It will come as no surprise to anyone, but water is an absolutely essential resource for the survival of all people. It is therefore quite normal that in a game based solely on survival and exploration, such as Sons of the Forest, it is one of the essential elements to be able to survive more than a few hours in this infernal forest. However, accessing “blue gold” is very difficult for beginners, so we explain everything about hydration!
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Basics of hydration in Sons of the Forest
From your first steps on the island of Sons of the Forest, you will have to hurry to find what meets your vital needs as a human being as quickly as possible. These are displayed in seven different shapes above your minimap on the right side of the screen. For hydration, it is the drop of water that interests us and that we develop in this article.
The first thing you need to know is that hydration levels drop anyway as long as you’re awake, and that it will drop to zero (or close to) every time you go to bed. With that in mind, you’ll need to make sure you can find water pretty quickly most of the time, because like most survival games, you can die of thirst. Literally “to die of thirst”, you will die.
The second important point is that maintaining a high level of hydration not only ensures that you have a higher level of enduranceallowing you to run and fight longer, but also to see your fatigue level decrease more slowly. Plus, if your hydration levels are high before you go to sleep, you’ll get more fatigue points back when you wake up!
And here comes the main point:How do we hydrate?“To hydrate you need to find a drinking water point, understand here you have to find a river to give you water. The water from the sea bordering the island cannot be drunk Because it’s salty, who really likes salt water? Squat (default CTRL key) near a river and press C (default) to drink. If your hydration level is zero, you’ll get half of your bar back, so you only need to drink a second time to fill it up.
- Important : Some weapons, such as the spear, prevent drinking. Put it away (default G key) so you can drink!
Advanced hydration in Sons of the Forest
Now that you know that only rivers are drinkable in terms of water, you should also know that there are alternatives to this since rivers are nowhere to be found, you will not have missed this. You then have three options to always have a moisturizer within reach:
1. Yarrow
I’Yarrow is a small plant that grows absolutely everywhere on the island of Sons of the Forest. It resembles white flowers that sometimes appear in the form of thick bushes, and sometimes singly among other bushes of different species. If you eat this flower, you will get back a small portion of your barHydrationand you need a good twentyYarrow to go from 0 to 100% of your bar.
2. Energy drink
While we do not recommend using these extremely rare objects, the Energy drinks able to make a quick and effective contribution Hydration but also inside Fatigue. You can usually find these items wherever people were (in camps or near their corpses), or in leather purses that creatures sometimes leave when they die.
However, due to their rarity and their power, we recommend that you download the Energy drinks for extreme emergencies, especially when you are in a cave or being chased in the middle of the bush. Don’t waste this precious sesame!
3. The gourd
The last option available to you will be available to you later in the game as it requires access to a Printer 3D. This is present in several places on the island, in the human settlements there. The easiest way is usually to find a bunker, it is within this that they are most likely to be found (although this is not guaranteed).
If you are lucky enough to find such an instrument and the Resin printerapproach her and press R (default) until you see the Gourd on screen. Just press E (default) to create this little object that lets you take water from a river with you wherever you go!