By Monday 10 until Monday, April 17, 2023 Easter comes to Azeroth under the guise of garden of the nobles. As with any seasonal event, players have the opportunity to complete various daily missions to purchase (or randomly try to obtain) cosmetic items.
These are the different pages of this article:
- Quests and egg hunt
- Items and Rewards
- Achievements and title
Among the most coveted rewards of this event, we find in particular and above all the Fast Spring Stepper.
Noblegarden quests
- Spring collectors (covenant) / Spring Harvesters (Horde)
This quest can be obtained from anyone more common of your faction in most major cities of Azeroth. To achieve this, you just need to go to one spring collector (covenant) or one spring harvester (Horde) in one of your faction’s starting cities (Razorhill Or Goldshire For example).
- The Great Egg Hunt (covenant) / The Great Egg Hunt (Horde)
After visiting one of the NPCs mentioned above, they will offer you a quest asking you to collect 20 of them Vibrantly colored eggshell fragments. To get them, nothing could be easier! In the city where you are, there are small eggs here and there, often a bit hidden behind buildings or obstacles, the Brightly colored eggs. Collect several and open them to get into the shell fragments so coveted.
- Put all your eggs in this basket (Alliance) / Put all your eggs in this basket (Horde)
Finally, you are presented with a final quest, it asks you to get 10 Noblegarden chocolates. These are again available in the Brightly colored eggs scattered across your faction’s starting cities, so on the hunt!
Trick: This last quest only rewards you with one egg basket. Unless you are particularly excited about owning this item, give your Noblegarden chocolates unnecessary since a Borrowed egg basket will be offered to you while completing this quest, with the same effect as the one offered to you.
Egg hunt: the basics
First of all, know that the Brightly colored eggs contain various objects, including Noblegarden chocolates which is the only currency of the garden of the nobles and that therefore they will be your only focus all week (well, let’s assume, otherwise you wouldn’t be here, would you?).
THE Brightly colored eggs can be obtained in your faction’s main starting cities:
For almost obvious reasons, we strongly advise against going Razorhill And Goldshire if you want farm a large amount of eggs: most players, including low level players, will be found in these cities. Be smart, prioritize dollars value Bloodshoe village !
Let’s also add to this list of cities around the Sparrowhawk Squaresince blood elves are one of the most played races in World of Warcraft, it makes sense that many low level players will probably find themselves there.
We do not have a specific route to advise you on. Agriculture of this currency. Find yours, search for the location of the eggs and go around in circles again and again until you have enough Noblegarden chocolates to buy what you want before the event ends. Keep your eyes peeled, some of them are pretty well hidden! Oh and of course rather farm this event at night or in the morning if possible, avoid at all costs the afternoon and especially the evening until about 1:00 in the morning.
Noblegarden items and rewards
Many cosmetic rewards, though considerably less than during other seasonal events, will be available during the Garden of the Nobles.
If you want to get all of the items below (apart from the Mage’s Tome, theGem garden egg and the blooming branch) you need 950 Chocolate from the Noble Garden. On top of that, you should get 100 Chocolate extra to complete the achievements. If you just want the performance noble gardeneronly 215 Chocolate will be necessary.
Obtained in exchange for Noblegarden Chocolates
Can sit in it Brightly colored eggs
Noblegarden Achievements and Title
There are many achievements available during the Noblegarden, for these we will separate the meta achievements noble gardener of which are optional.
Required achievements for Noble Gardener
The meta-achievement Noble Gardener awards the title “Noble
Just buy one Brightly colored egg in one of your faction’s main starting cities.
You have to get 100 Noblegarden chocolates in Brightly colored eggs and eat them. Nothing special, farm pure and hard.
This achievement requires the purchase (or chance of one Brightly colored egg) of a spring dress to start with. It’s worth 100 Noblegarden chocolates. Then you have to travel silithus, desolation, TanaryTHE Badlands and the a thousand needles (all located in Kalimdor with the exception of the Badlands which are in the Eastern Kingdoms) and use the active effect of your Spring dress on the spotit doesn’t matter what the exact location is as long as you are within these areas.
To achieve this feat, you must have a Brightly colored egg) A white tuxedo shirt and a Black tuxedo pants. Buying these two items will cost you 50 Noble Garden chocolates. Once you have these two items, find someone with one evening dress and run the emote /kiss on him/her while wearing the dress.
This feat requires a second person to guide you to the Un’Goro crater in possession of one blooming branch. For your part, you must be in possession of one Gem Garden Eggavailable from the merchant for 5 Noblegarden chocolates. With all this material in hand, go to the Golakka Resources Bee Un’Goro crater. Then ask your assistant for the blooming branch to turn you into a little bunny. You can now place your egg on the banks of the lake to complete the achievement. If you don’t want to multiply round trips, bring one as well blooming branch to validate the achievement for your companion.
- It’s me who puts the rabbits down
Bring yourself spring flowersor by retrieving them in the Brightly colored eggsor by buying them from the Noblegarden merchants for 5 Noblegarden chocolates. Your mission will then be to look for female characters of at least level 18 of any race to place bunny ears on their heads. However, be careful that your spring flowers on players who already have rabbit ears: the criterion would not be validated.
- spring love (covenant) / spring love (Horde)
This achievement requires you to have the party animal: the spring bunny’s foot. It is available for 100 Noblegarden chocolates with sellers and also has a low rate of drop in the Brightly colored eggs. Then go to one of the four cities indicated in the achievement and wait for another player, also in possession of a rabbit, to approach you. Your pets take care of the rest and validate the performance (it’s PEGI 18, you’ve been warned).
- The garden of the nobles (covenant) / The garden of the nobles (Horde)
buy one Gem Garden Egg against 5 Noblegarden chocolates and then travel to Stormwind (Alliance) or Silvermoon (Horde) to drop the respective egg using only the item you just purchased. No matter where you hide your egg, the achievement will be validated.
Optional achievement
This is an achievement based purely on luck. Just opened Brightly colored eggs until you get one white tuxedo shirt and a Black tuxedo pants.