Summoners War Chronicles: Water Vampire Hunter guide (Espino), runes, build and composition
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What are the runes to put on your Water Vampire Hunter (Espino)? How do you get the most out of this Nat 5 monster when you’re free to play? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Here we give you the most efficient builds on this character from SW Chronicles.
Espino is the awakened transformation of the Nat 5 monster Vampire Hunter Water in Summoner’s War Chronicles. It’s probably the best of the Vampire Hunters trio (we put the Dark and light aside, of course), and it integrates tier 1 monsters directly into PVP. Indeed, it is very rare for a device to be able to remove so many beneficial effects with such ease.
Table of Contents
- Set Rage (4): CRIT Damage +40%
- Set Blade (2): CRIT Percentage +12%
Substatistics for priority search
Here we will take advantage of the passive Weapon mastery guaranteeing a +30% CRIT percentage for this sample. You then want to have a full DCC build. Espino is a pro at removing enemy buffs, but he also hurts a lot! This is one of the best DPS Water which you can own in PVP.
Espino’s equipment
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