If Tchia’s main scenario isn’t very long or complicated, some of the quests will give you a hard time. This is the case, for example, of Chapter 4 – The Custom – where you have to find a lot of them sacrifices to the god Meavora to free your father.
Find a dead chicken
Before you get a chicken egg, the easiest way is to complete the mission “find a dead chicken”. WeliWele.
- Go to WeliWele Island
- Open your map and use the “where am I” option to locate yourself. You are normally in Dopwa. Then look up the icons of the places you need to go: WeliWele is an apple green “W”. You can see it on your left, then put a pin there to get there more easily.
- Once there, Gaby will ask you to go to Kweo to pick up a red crab. Lift it up and put it in your inventory.
- You get the Gaby’s treasure map,
- Go to Louise in Gutu to get the dead chicken: follow the letter “L” on your compass. Then return to Weliwele.
- You get a camera: remap key 3 on your keyboard to use it.
- You also get the undead chicken.
How do you get a chicken egg?
Before exploring, stay at WeliWele and enjoy the chickens at your feet (not all of them are decapitated!).
- Find a chicken (if you have already left WeliWele, you can easily find one in the Animal Refuge, in the far north),
- Use your Soul Leap (wheel click on PC) and aim for the chicken,
- You will then take possession of the chicken and control it,
- You will see the option “lay an egg“very easy,
- Free the chicken (click wheel) and pick up the freshly laid egg to carry and put it in your inventory
And there you go! Another offer on your list.