Summoners War Chronicles: Konamiya guide, runes, build and composition
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What are the runes to put on your Water Garuda (Konamiya)? How do you get the most out of this Nat 3 monster when you’re free to play? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Here we give you the most efficient builds on this character from SW Chronicles.
Konamiya is the awakened transformation of the Nat 3 monster Garuda Water in Summoner’s War Chronicles. This is one of the monsters we can consider a dtarter. It allows players to heal an area while getting a speed boost for mana recharge. He can also give you faster access to your skills thanks to his first ability, which allows him to reduce the cooldown of all your team except himself. As for team compositions requiring Konamiya, it’s pretty straightforward, as it can serve you as a healer/outright support in most content. Here’s a 100% free-to-play example of a team with the latter.
- Konamiya, Shannon and Iselia
Table of Contents
Build support
- Energy Set (2): HP+15%
- Set Guard (2): Defense +15%
Runes 2/4/6 Core Stats
- Rune 2: HP %
- Rune 4: HP %
- Rune 6: HP %
Substatistics for priority search
- HP%
- Defense %
- Resistance %
- The priority on this build will be to have a monster that you can heal with while allowing your other monsters and the summoner to take advantage of their abilities as much as possible. He therefore needs a maximum of HP and defense in order not to die quickly.
Konamiya’s equipment
For more guides and tips on Summoners War Chronicles, don’t hesitate to check out our complete walkthrough of the game with all the tier lists, the best runes for each major monster, the Dungeon guides and of course the latest info on patches and trendy banners!