Home Gaming Mega-Jungko Pokémon GO: The best counters to beat him in Mega Raids

Mega-Jungko Pokémon GO: The best counters to beat him in Mega Raids

by Ana Lopez
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First Pokémon to combine Grass and Dragon types Mega Jungko is particularly sensitive to ice. Here’s a guide to help you beat him quickly and easily in Mega Raid in PokémonGO.

How to beat Mega Jungko?

Mega Jungko is a type of Pokémon Plant And Dragon. This means that it is very weak against type attacks. Ice, Poison, Theft, Dragon, Fairy And critter.

  • Capture PC : between 1500 and 1575
  • Boosted Capture PC : between 1876 and 1969 (stimulated by wind or clear and sunny weather)

Here are the best Pokemon you can use to beat it more easily:

Mega Blizzaroi

With powder snow and Ball’Météo

Mega ectoplasm

With Licking and Bomb Yuck

Mega Latios

With Draco breath and Draco claw


With powder and avalanche


Featuring Psycho Cut and Ice Laser

ice lily

With frozen breath and avalanche

Mega-Jungko: Is it available in glossy?

Mega-Jungko is available in a chromatic version. Here’s what the two versions of Mega Jungko look like:

Normal Mega Jungko - Pokemon GO
Normal Mega Jungko
Shiny Mega Jungko - Pokemon GO
Shiny Mega Jungko

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