While exploring the Dragon Islands in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, it’s very likely that you’ll be trying to get hold of certain bosses or certain hard-to-access recipes. Four of these cooking recipes are available from Elder Unujaak at Awakening Shores, and we’ll help you get your hands on them in no time!
- this is a quest accessible to players of theAlliance like it Horde.
Where can you find the Invading Heat quest in Dragonflight?
The quest you seek,”Invading heat“, is a one-time quest that can be obtained in a sub-area of shores of wake up. To access, you need the level of Fame 11 with the Roharts Iskaariens, one of Dragonflight’s factions.
Generally, players do this quest at the same time as the Renown 11 of the Iksaarian Roharts storyline, starting with the quest Suddenly isolation near murik Nasty Iskarato the span of azure.
As a reward for this very simple quest, you have a choice of a cooking recipe from four available choices. Obtaining one of the two rewards makes it significantly more difficult to obtain the other for the character who completed the quest Invading heatan element we help you understand at the end of this guide:
- Prescription: Timely death : Learns how to make the Timely Death food that gives 70 Haste.
- Recipe: Water moth surprise : Learns how to make the Water Moth Surprise food that gives 70 Versatility.
- Recipe: Fish with salt crust : Learns how to make the Water Moth Surprise food that grants a 70 bonus to Mastery.
Recipe: Fillet of fangs : Learns how to make the Water Moth Surprise food that grants 70 Critical Strike.
How do I complete the Invading Heat quest in Awakening Shores?
To obtain one of the two recipes mentioned above, the procedure is extremely simple, the only “difficulty” is to reach the level of Fame 11 with the Iksaarian Roharts. Getting the quest”Invading heatis done, once this level of Fame is reached, at the coordinates 53.1 35.3 Unpleasant Shores of awakeningin a small river near the Backwaters from Uktulut.
On site you will basically find a small shiny dead fish in the river, it is visible on your mini-map by means of a yellow exclamation mark: it is the Half-cooked Fish. Interact with this “NPC” to get the quest”Invading heatYour goal then is simply to get to theElder Unujaak Unpleasant Backwaters of Uktulut, Unpleasant contact details 53.8, 38.0.
After completing your quest, this NPC will offer you the reward of your choice from four possible options:
- Prescription: Timely death : Hast
- Recipe: Water moth surprise : Versatility
- Recipe: fish in salt crust : mastery
- Recipe: Crocodile fillet : Critical attack
If you are a collector and want to get your hands on the three recipes that you failed to find during this quest, know that you have the option to get them through Fishing on the Dragon Islands or Grand Bufflon rewards. To do this, you need a Recipe with bottled dragonsan extremely rare item if you want to fish for it (0.2%) and more common if you prefer the Bufflon’s Treasure weighted bag (46%) and the Bufflon’s Immaculate Bag of Treasures (39%).