Home Gaming Top Hearthstone Decks: ranking of the best decks

Top Hearthstone Decks: ranking of the best decks

by Ana Lopez
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HS: Level list and best decks

Top Hearthstone Decks: ranking of the best decks

By means of

The editors provide you with an inventory of the meta so you can play the best decks and reach the highest ranks. With the arrival of the new extension and nerfs, find the decks that stand out!

The list of the best Ladder Decks is the ranking suggested by the editors MGG of the cover standard Hearthstone meta for the current season. This list shows the most played decks on the ladderdepending on their performance and efficiency in rising Legend, as well as after reaching Legend rank.

Marginal Demon Hunter deck

by Pocket Train


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  • Perhaps the most menacing deck in the first hours after the expansion’s release.
  • The deck relies on agro through card cost reductions.
  • As always, the demon hunter has good pickaxe engines so you never have an empty hand.
  • Glaivetar guarantees you an efficient hand filling.
  • Noisy fan provides a good supply of damage and remains very difficult to eliminate.

Druid Hero Power XL deck

through door jamb


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Pure Paladin deck

by nohandsgamer


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Pure Garden Grace Paladin Terrace

by tars


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  • A very stable card game that will take advantage of one of the expansion’s best cards: the Mass disco. It’s often enough that a single minion isn’t controlled by your opponent to take massive damage sight because of the sacrificed weapon.
  • The Pure paladin archetype was already level 2 before the rotation, losing very few good cards.
  • Jitterbug becomes an overpowered pickaxe engine for the archetype.
  • This deck creates planks very persistent and that you can stimulate with the funk finFor example.
  • The Countess remains the overpowered card of the list, which will often only seal the game

Aggro Frost Death Knight deck

by Norwis


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