Home Entertainment La Brea Season 2 Episode 10 The Return Recap and Review – Girl Scouts, Journals, and Why is Levi Back?

La Brea Season 2 Episode 10 The Return Recap and Review – Girl Scouts, Journals, and Why is Levi Back?

by Ana Lopez
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The more we know, the less we understand. NBC’s frothy thriller likes to keep us wrong-footed. La Brea Season 2 Episode 10 keeps the twists and turns coming as even more mysteries unfold. Who is friend and who is foe? Everyone has an agenda in the pristine past that is being exploited for future gains. It continues as old faces return, loyalties are questioned, and enemies hunt for clues. Hold onto your hats. Things are about to get wild again.

La Brea Season 2 Episode 10
LA BREA — “The Return” Episode 210 — Pictured: (lr) Lily Santiago as Veronica, Michelle Vergara Moore as Ella — (Photo by: Sarah Enticknap/NBC)

Lucas was right not to trust Virgil. Poor stupid Scott leaves him alone on the tower to watch, and Virgil takes the opportunity to let Taamet know that the camp is vulnerable. As intuitive and hot-headed as Lucas is, Scott is equally naive and slow to respond. I want to like the anthropologist. His quirkiness injects a dose of humor into an otherwise serious cast. Rohan Mirchandaney makes Scott very likeable. There’s an inherent gentleness to him, but the writers need to give him something to do other than get into trouble and make huge errors of judgment. How many chances does he get to make mistakes? Scott kind of redeemed himself by saving Lucas, but it came at the expense of Taamet, who could have been an interesting character.

Gavin is surprised to find Levi back in 10,000 BC. Levi tells Gavin that he went through a sinkhole in 1998. He worked with the DOD and claimed to have a plan to get everyone back to 2022. He goes on to tell him that he is no longer a threat to his marriage as he fell in love and got married to an amazing woman on his team at the DOD. She has since passed away, but in the decade since he was gone, he has changed and is no longer the same man in love with a married woman.

The pair is good for the series because it gives the camp more power, and Nicholas Gonzalez’s Levi only got hotter in the time he was gone. But by the time La Brea Season 2 Episode 10 is over, we learn that he wasn’t completely honest about why he’s back. He’s not necessarily there to get everyone back to the present. Instead, he’s there to kill James. Of course, this won’t sit well with Gavin, and with Kira’s motives under wraps, I’m not sure whose team we should be on.

Since Eve is sidelined with her concussion, Izzy takes the place as the fixer in La Brea Season 2 Episode 10. She uses a car mirror to send a Morse code message to her father. It warns them of the invasion and tells them to go after the smaller group first. I appreciate the effort to give Izzy some depth, but this storyline feels forced due to the clumsy dialogue between Zyra Gorecki (Izzy) and Jack Martin (Josh). Strong female characters are always welcome, but their contributions should feel organic and not intended to impress.

James appears to help Ty. His first treatment was successful and he went into therapy with James. It seems like a strange habit for the evasive man to willingly put himself in a situation where someone might learn his carefully guarded secrets. He seems really haunted by his past, but it could all still be a ruse. Kira tells Ty not to trust him and asks him to look into Project Blue Moon, but we don’t know how much she can be trusted either. We know that Kira sent the Exiles to retrieve Aaron’s book, but we don’t know if that was to keep it away from James or for something else.

Eventually it becomes clear that James wants to turn back time. Together with Isaiah/Gavin, he goes in search of his stolen past. Project Blue Moon seems to be something that allows James to go back to before Isaiah was taken and prevent it from happening. Kira warns Ty that this could be disastrous for anyone for reasons even a casual sci-fi fan should understand. Playing with the past has ripple effects in the present and the future. In this case, it means Ty would die and Josh and Izzy would never be born. James doesn’t seem to care who he hurts, not even his grandchildren. Of course, this could be yet another red herring and Kira could be a liar.

Veronica and Ella/Lilly’s kidnapper continues to harass the women. He had a diary that Veronica buried him with weeks ago. Kira instructed the exiles to retrieve it. So they attacked the camp. We don’t know what she wants with it. The bigger question is, why did Aaron have Dr. Moore in 2022? He also seemed to be fully aware of the sinkhole that would develop in the tar pits. He drove the girls there and ordered them to stay there just before it opened.

Why did he want them all to go to 10,000 BC? used to go? Maybe they still have something to fear from Aaron. Fortunately, Veronica moves in with Lucas and the two are able to protect each other. Veronica can also help control Lucas’ emotions. He has trouble controlling his anger, and Veronica will help with this. He, in turn, can help her heal.

Dr. Moore’s diary and his ties to Aaron are the best parts of the episode. This is a plot thread that feels like it has legs. We don’t know where it will go yet, but I’m willing to invest time to find out. La Brea is a fan of reveals, and La Brea Season 2 Episode 10 gave us several. Levi is back to kill James. Kira can be a useful ally, and somehow an ailing child molester had his hands on a journal that should have stayed with a reclusive scientist in 10,000 BCE. With a shortened season 3 pick-up recently announced, we’re sure we won’t have to wait too long for answers. However, be careful what you wish for; this series likes to give as much deception as it does answers. That’s part of the fun. Find all our La Brea coverage here.

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