Young nurse Anndel Taylor was found dead in a car during a snow storm near Buffalo

When she was caught in her car during the massive snowstorm that swept through New York State, the student nurse sent harrowing videos to her family before being found dead nearly 24 hours later.

Anndel Taylor, 22, was caught in what Governor Kathy Hochul called “the blizzard of the century” while trying to get home from a service at a Buffalo hospital on Friday, according to her mother. who spoke to The Post on Tuesday.

The nurse, who was born in Mount Vernon, notified her family North Carolina throughout the rest of the day, including harrowing videos of her stranded in her car in rising snow.

A photo taken just before 4:15 p.m. Friday showed her snow-covered windows. Then, shortly after midnight on Christmas Eve, she sent a final message in which she slid down her ice-covered window to reveal another neighboring van also trapped in the blinding blizzard and had its emergency lights turned on.

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Taylor’s mother, Wanda Brown Steele54, told The Post, ‘She was talking to [her sisters]telling that she called 911 and was scared,’

However, the mother, who came to Charlotte from the Empire State in 2002 when Taylor was just 2 years old, claimed that “the rescue people told her that anything that tried to get away and help got stuck too.”

“I didn’t know anything at first because my kids didn’t want me to worry. But then they showed me the video and I started acting on it,” she said.

Anndel Taylor was found dead in a car during a snow storm near Buffalo

Taylor said in her farewell texts to her three sisters in North Carolina that she planned to sleep while waiting for rescues and, if none came, would try to flee on foot.

But by morning “she didn’t pick up her phone”, which the family “followed to her car”, her mother said.

If she had been saved, she would have called to make sure no one was worried about her, because she knew my number.

“And that’s when we knew something was wrong,” her mother said.

Taylor’s ailing father, whom Taylor had moved in with last year to help with his dialysis treatments, was among the relatives Brown Steele in the Buffalo area contacted to ask them to find her in her snowy car.

According to Taylor’s mother, an acquaintance of the family saw her car but thought no one could be in it yet.

She claimed her body was discovered about 24 hours after she was initially discovered to be trapped. “The third time he went out, he broke the window and found her in the car,” she said.

However, Taylor’s family believes she most likely died of carbon monoxide poisoning, as she slept with the engine running to get warm as snow covered the exhaust pipe.

“I think she went peacefully,” her mother told The Post.

“She lay back – she had her arms crossed and her foot on the dashboard as if she were sleeping peacefully,” she said.

Taylor’s mother claimed that even after her body was discovered, “the police didn’t get there until late on Christmas Day”, leaving her body in the car for another day.

As a substitute, a volunteer from a makeshift organization called The Buffalo Blizzard attended and “said she wouldn’t leave my baby there alone, even if she had to sit there all night”, said Brown Steele.

At one point, the volunteer FaceTimed Taylor’s family – and Brown Steele said: “I saw my baby lying there – she was freezing cold. She was an icicle.”

According to the mother, the unnamed volunteer helped some of Taylor’s relatives move the body to her car so they could eventually take her to a hospital.

Some of Taylor’s sisters claim that numerous 911 calls have been made through social media posts, but to no avail.

Even given the storm’s historic intensity, her distraught mother said she finds it hard to understand why help didn’t show up in time.

“That’s a state, that’s a city, where this is going on all the time — why [weren’t] did they prepare? she asked. “My baby was there from Friday to Christmas.”

The tragedy came shortly before Taylor’s 23rd birthday on January 13 — and while she’s still [had] presents under the tree” for Christmas, sister Shawnequa Brown said.

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The family tries to bring Charlotte back with her body. As of Tuesday afternoon, an online campaign had raised about $20,000, well above the $12,000 goal.

“We’re trying to get her here – because I want her here with me,” her mother said of her daughter, a “giving person who helped anyone in need.”

Taylor’s grandmother, Sylvia Taylor, told WSOC-TV: “It’s so easy to ask yourself, ‘Why, God? Why?’ But it is not always the intention that we know the answer to that.”

In a series of heartbreaking tributes online, Brown called the student nurse “the golden child… The funniest, the realist, the hardest little sister ever!”

‘I’m so sorry; I would do anything to have been there with you,’ she wrote.

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