What it really means to be who you really are

Beth Trejo is a speaker, brand advocate, and founder and CEO of Chatter kicka digital marketing agency in the Midwest.

Here’s a conundrum for you: What is something that is completely unique to the individual, difficult to define specifically, yet can be recognized by strangers in seconds? Authenticity.

Genuine or original, authenticity is a word that is used a lot these days, almost to the point where it loses all meaning. But that’s not always what brands and companies mean when they use it to describe themselves. I’m writing this article to make sure that when you, as a leader, describe yourself as authentic, you’re also walking the walk, especially on social media, where you’re most likely to step into it.

So what does it mean to be authentic in 2023?

Reliable and approachable

At its core, I believe that authenticity is about trust. No matter who you are, I think people are likely to accept you if you show up, respond, behave, choose, and speak in a way that reliably fits you.

Most brands aren’t abrasive, but I think a lot of them are inconsistent – and this can naturally make them less approachable and reliable. Help your audience feel comfortable by matching your tone to the platform you’re using. Publishing a white paper on LinkedIn requires a different approach than a conversation on Facebook. Of course, we all have different personalities when we’re at a football game with our friends than when we’re in the boardroom and that doesn’t mean we can’t be both. We just need to read the room – and appear accordingly.

Even now, I see too many companies forget that social media is about connecting people, not just selling stuff. Every time they opt for a display ad over engagement, they’re missing out on the opportunity to make a real connection with potential and existing customers.

Imperfect and fragile

This can be terrifying, especially for large companies. But from a transparency point of view, I believe people (really) appreciate when business leaders can admit their mistakes, reveal their true intentions, show how they change, and give credit to all the people who made them successful.

The reality is that imperfections, challenges and scandals can bubble up. What matters is not when they occur, but how you react and the image against which they are measured. Remember that quote attributed to Zig Ziglar: “Live in such a way that if someone spoke ill of you, no one would believe it.” Authenticity is important. The more you invest in transparency, connection, involvement and recognizability, the easier it is to tackle challenges.

You know what gets even easier? Attracting well-matched candidates, finding perfect audiences and identifying new ways to serve both.

Respected and respectful

Tactically, you would use people’s first names if you met them in real life. So do the same when responding to a review or comment. Treat them just as you would if they had come to your company. Thank them for visiting and shake hands virtually.

Remember that time and attention are forms of currency. How can you recognize and invest in your customers, your prospects, and your employees the same way they recognize and invest in you?

Attentive and responsive

No surprise here. According to a recent study, at any stage of the customer lifecycle, 82% rated an immediate response from companies as ‘important’ or ‘very important’ when they asked marketing or sales-related questions. This rose to over 90% when a customer support issue came up. In my experience, “immediately” usually means ten minutes or less. If you can see their comments in real time, your answers should reflect that too. It’s not just about responding – have you heard what they need? Are you busy with what really matters?

Can’t respond right away? Find a way to buy yourself some time, with an auto-reply to book an offline call or by asking them for more information.

Being authentic in 2023 can mean many different things to many different people, but it all comes down to being real, trustworthy and reliable. Whether you are a small business owner or run a larger company, establishing who you are as a brand – your tone, your beliefs, your values, your personality and more – is the first step to creating an authentic presence online and behind the scenes . Without it, authenticity only goes as far as the one person talking – and you can be so much louder than that.

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