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What are the anti-aging properties of Thymalin?

by Ana Lopez
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Polypeptide thymalin, found in the thymus gland, plays a role in the regulation of the immune system and has fantastic anti-aging properties.

The fact that this gland is present in many different animals suggests that it is both ancient and essential. Numerous studies have shown that the thymus gland plays an important role in the regulation of the immune system and, by extension, in a person’s overall health and well-being.

Thymic peptides are a type of protein secreted by the thymus gland that play a role in the regulation of the immune system. One such thymus peptide complex, Thymalin, helps prevent and treat immune system fatigue.

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Thymaline and other natural thymic peptides were initially separated from a calf’s thymus gland using a mild acid extraction process. Further isolation studies led to the identification of Thymalin (L-Glu-L-Trp), a molecule with immunomodulatory properties. This dipeptide molecule is crucial to Thymalin’s peptide mechanism.

Thymalin, a natural polypeptide, is concentrated in the newly developed epidermal cells of the thymus gland. Thymaline levels decrease with age, and by age 70, Thymaline-containing cells are scattered and irregular. Therefore, not only immunodeficient subjects, but also older models fighting other conditions, need Thymalin and derived synthetic peptides.

One of the most important problems in medicine is dealing with immunodeficiency. Immune system disorders include primary immune deficiency, in which a patient is born with a compromised immune system; acquired immunodeficiency, in which the body’s immune system is compromised by exposure to disease; and autoimmune disease, in which the immune system turns against itself.

Many different medications and therapies are used to manage immune system disorders, but they all carry the risk of serious side effects. The peptides play a role in this process. Because they are similar in structure to amino acids, synthetic peptides are safe and effective. Thymalin is one of the peptides used to treat immunodeficiency in non-human research models.

What Does Thymalin Work For?

Natural and synthetic thymic peptides were analyzed to better understand their role. Natural Thymalin, synthetic Thymogen and the amino acid Vilon were the substances tested.

The study found that all peptides exert their effects primarily by inducing thymic functions such as T-cell differentiation, changes in cellular nucleotides and cytokines, and lymphocyte secretion. Immune responses against antigens were enhanced, protecting the body’s ability to function normally.

Another important finding of this study was that the natural peptide, ie Thymalin, stimulated the antioxidant responses, while the two synthetic analogs did not affect these responses. This result suggested that, in addition to the aforementioned roles, natural peptides also regulate the inflammatory responses of cytokine cells.

Application and benefits of Thymalin

Previously, we established that Thymalin’s primary function is to aid in the regulation of the immune system. Since this is the peptide’s greatest strength, Thymalin is used to treat:

  • Symptoms of the acute respiratory syndrome
  • Investigating COVID-19 as a potential treatment for chronic obstructive bronchitis
  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland, also called goiter.
  • Melanoma, lymphoma and other malignancies
  • Herpes
  • Slow aging

It is important to note that this is not an all-encompassing list and that Thymalin is still undergoing extensive research to determine its full potential and use in the treatment of many immunodeficiency diseases.

Studies on Thymalin in Non-Human Subjects

Cancer prevention and anti-aging properties of Thymalin

Seventy-six female rats were chosen for this study at five months of age. The primary objective was to analyze the impact of Thymalin on tumor progression and, by extension, survival rates and life expectancy.

This research showed that Thymalin not only prolongs the average lifespan and anti-aging, but also inhibits tumor formation in the body.

Thymalin and herpes virus infections

Fifty female subjects with alpha herpes virus 1 (HHV 1) infections and 50 healthy controls participated in this study. All participants received the peptide treatment for two full months. Subjects’ cytokine levels in response to peptide treatment were monitored by post-treatment collection and analysis of peripheral blood cell tissues.

Analysis showed that the models had significantly higher cytokine levels than the healthy subjects. Models had higher CD4+ and CD8+ cytokine levels than the healthy controls. There was also no reactivation of the HHV1 virus in the patients after the two month treatment period.

According to the results of this study, treatment with Thymic peptide prevented the reactivation of herpesvirus 1, which has been associated with immune suppression.

Combo therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Subjects with chronic lymphoid leukemia participated in an inclusion study that included treatment with Thymaline and plasmapheresis as part of a non-specific immune correction strategy.

This new combination treatment produced faster and more significant improvements in physiological functioning than treatment with chemotherapeutic agents alone.

The disadvantage

Being a natural polypeptide, Thymalin works well in the body. Thymalin was given to elderly subjects in a study for 6-8 years and no adverse side effects were noted. According to these findings, Thymalin is completely benign and has no adverse effects on the body.

Thymus peptide extracts, such as Thymalin, have never been associated with any known syndromes. This is a possible side effect of Thymalin, which comes from the bovine thymus gland, because there is a chance that the peptide could have become contaminated with diseased parts of the animal during extraction. However, there are zero documented cases of this happening, making the probability extremely low.


The thymus gland secretes Thymalin, a powerful natural polypeptide that influences the regulation of the immune system.

Thymaline, originally extracted from the calf thymus gland, stimulates the immune system by inducing the formation of lymphocytes and cytokines, regulating T cell differentiation levels and promoting T cell survival.

Immunoprotective, immunomodulatory and geroprotective are some of the benefits of Thymalin. It helps restore a diminished immune response and keep the immune system functioning optimally. Thymalin’s geroprotective properties allow it to improve the health of vital organs and organ systems, thus increasing life expectancy.

Due to its ability to control the number of lymphocytes in the body, Thymalin is a promising candidate for treatment COVID-19. This treatment involves CD28 cells.

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