Twitter puts its developer community website behind a login after announcing new API pricing •

Twitter announced its new API pricing earlier today, saying the “low usage” base tier will cost $100 per month. When developers tried to seek clarity around new rules, they went to the developer forum websitethey discovered that the site was placed behind a login.

Image Credits: is a place where developers can ask questions about Twitter APIs and get tips on creating apps for the platform. Twitter employees also responded to developers posting bugs and issues to inform them of enterprise-level developments. It also served as a portal for certain developer-related announcements from Twitter.

Several developers pointed out on Twitter that the site was down and asked the company for an update.

It’s not clear if Twitter put the developer forum behind a login or if that’s a bug. A lot of things are breaking on the platform since last night, including people having trouble posting tweets and accessing replies and direct messages. This could also be due to the fact that the company rolled out an update that allows Twitter Blue users to post tweets of 4000 characters.

A few hours ago, Elon Musk tweeted that the social network is facing “multiple internal and external issues” but that they are due to be resolved late in the US.

However at the time of writing people are still facing difficulties in accessing various parts of the service. Hopefully Twitter fixes all these issues soon.

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