Home Business The current use and future of AR

The current use and future of AR

by Ana Lopez
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Kaj Leroy: Transmuting Digital Paradigms CEO/Founder of XPUNKS & onXRPrevolutionizing businesses through innovative digital solutions.

Augmented reality (AR) is a breakthrough technology that has the potential to seamlessly integrate digital content into the user’s real world, providing an interactive and immersive experience.

AR has won in recent years considerable pulling power across industries and applications, revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us. From gaming and entertainment to retail and education, I believe AR is poised to become an integral part of our daily lives. Therefore, it can be helpful to understand its current and potential applications.

AR’s impact in different areas

Blockchain technology

I see AR and blockchain as a perfect match. Leveraging the security, transparency, and immutability of blockchain, AR applications can provide users with verifiable and tamper-resistant digital assets. This combination can pave the way for various use cases such as secure asset tracking, authentication, and even decentralized AR experiences.

Non-fungible tokens

Nonfungible tokens (NFTs) are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a specific item or content. AR technology can bring NFTs to life by enabling users to visualize, use and display their digital collectibles in the real world. This fusion of AR and NFTs will redefine digital ownership and create new opportunities for artists, creators and collectors.


The gaming industry has quickly adopted AR technology, providing players with immersive and engaging experiences. Examples like pokemon go have effectively showcased the capabilities of AR gaming by using the player’s camera, GPS, and gyroscope to guide them to locations where the game overlays virtual elements over the real world. As AR continues to evolve, the gaming industry will no doubt see more innovative and immersive AR games.

AR’s future

I see the future of AR closely tied to the ongoing developments in blockchain, NFTs, gaming and the metaverse. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can expect significant improvements in AR capabilities, such as improved tracking, more realistic visuals, and better integration with wearable devices.

In addition, I see the convergence of AR with blockchain and NFTs leading to a new digital economy where users can trade, buy and sell virtual goods and experiences. In the gaming world, AR can enable more immersive and interactive experiences, blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds. As the metaverse becomes a reality, AR will likely be a key component in creating this interconnected digital universe.

Embracing AR for business success

As AR technology continues to evolve, I believe companies across industries need to adapt and tap into its potential to remain competitive.

For example, retailers can use AR for virtual try-ons, improving the customer experience and reducing returns. RTFKT, a company recently acquired by Nike, is revolutionizing apparel design by integrating AR technology. By using intricate and unique animations via NFC chips in hoodiesclothes purchased in the real world can virtually come to life and provide consumers with an immersive and personalized experience.

Similarly, AR can also provide interactive and immersive learning experiences in education, making complex concepts more accessible and engaging. Or healthcare providers can use AR for remote consultations and visualization of medical data.

In addition, real estate companies can use AR to create virtual tours, allowing potential buyers to explore properties remotely. An example of a company doing this with Web3 technology is Ouse Token, which allows users to take virtual tours of their metaverse homes. AR technology can also be used to go through high-end real estate and then sell versions of it in existing metaverses.

Apple is also going heavy on AR with its new product, Apple glasses. I believe big companies like Apple and Nike investing in this technology clearly indicate where future trends are headed.

The reason these companies are using AR technology is to create a more engaging and personalized experience for their communities. With AR you can create images that were previously only possible with holograms in movies.

All of these digital objects, created to be used with AR, can be stored on the blockchain as NFTs. This has the potential to create an entirely new digital economy of digital wearables where customers can express themselves in entirely new ways.

The dawn of augmented realities

In summary, AR is significantly influenced by the advancement and integration of other blockchain and Web3 technology. As these groundbreaking areas evolve and converge, I believe AR will be at the forefront of redefining our digital experiences and interactions.

The combination of AR with blockchain and NFTs can create an innovative digital economy, while the integration of AR into gaming and the metaverse has the potential to blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds.

I believe companies that strategically deploy AR technology can not only excel in this dynamic environment, but also be at the forefront of discovering new ways to connect, engage and collaborate with their audiences. As we look to the future, the potential for AR is huge and transformative, signaling the beginning of augmented realities that could revolutionize our perception of the world.

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