Sons of the Forest Armors: full list, how to make them all?
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We give you the full list of recipes for making armor in Sons of the Forest, with the ingredients needed to make them, including the best armor in the game at the moment, the famous TECH set, very complicated to to make.
There are currently 5 functional armor sets in Sons of the Forest and not 6 as you may have read elsewhere: the famous golden armor actually has no defense valueit’s just a key item needed to get to the very end of the game.
leaf tissue
The easiest armor to make, but also the armor that protects you the least from the game. However, it can be useful for your first hours of play, so Do not hesitate to debone all the shrubs you come across to restore a maximum of leaves without effort.
artisan recipe
skin armor
Already more complicated to obtain, but with a much better defense in return. You will need to kill deer to make this set, so making yourself a bow and arrow is essential to properly hunt them and collect what you need.
artisan recipe
bone armor
To make bone armor, you need to go to the side of the cannibals. Decimate camps and set everyone on fire instantly, it is the best way to restore a maximum of bones with a minimum of effort. You can also build a rack into your base to store them.
artisan recipe
- 4 bones
- 1 kitten
- 1 rope
creepy armor
No recipe for this particular armor, but skin the mutants you encounter in the island’s cave networks. By tearing their skin off you can apply it to yourself to add an overlay of armor. Armor remnants are stored to the right of your inventory.
artisan recipe
TECH armor
The highest level of armor available and probably the biggest crafting goal you can set before the start of this early access by Sons of the Forest. First of all you will have to get the 3D printer that is present in one of the bunkers on the island. Then you need enough resin and many advanced components to make the complete set.
artisan recipe
- 1 TECH gauze (250 ml resin)
- 1 kitten
- 1 battery
- 1 wire
- 1 electrical circuit