Home Entertainment Seven signs if you are prone to gambling addiction

Seven signs if you are prone to gambling addiction

by Ana Lopez
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There is nothing wrong with taking a chance every now and then Gamblingpro non GamStop casinos. But how do you know if you are sensitive and may already be addicted? We collected the seven most important signs of gambling addiction that you can watch out for.

Online casino games help you escape from reality

Playing a game of chance, gambling is a nice moment for you to escape and relax. If you find yourself playing repeatedly to avoid certain feelings (such as anger, sadness, or fear), this is a symptom of latent gambling addiction. Our advice: do not go into loneliness and isolation, but talk to your loved ones. Overcome your fear and discuss it.

Your environment is concerned

Do you occasionally get comments from your partner, family or friends about your gambling? Are you accused of being (too) little present in family matters or that you are not involved enough with your children? This may be a sign that your way of dealing with gambling is problematic. Don’t immediately ignore this concern of your immediate environment, but be honest with yourself. Are you obsessed with gambling? Have you already planned to play several times, but did it anyway? An addiction may have developed.

You are nervous if you don’t gamble for a day

Are you easily unable to play for one or more days or do you get nervous and tense at the idea of ​​skipping a day? If the latter is the case, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. These phenomena arise because the brain no longer receives the ‘reward stimulation’ to which it has become accustomed. When the brain is no longer receiving this stimulation, it starts screaming to be stimulated. Chances are you have developed a gambling addiction. Our advice: go to your doctor and discuss how you can best be supported and regain control of your behavior so that you stop gambling.

Hide your gambling activities

Does your environment know what you are doing, are you open and honest about this? Or would you rather not talk about your gambling behavior? Do you keep it hidden? Do they actually have no idea how much and how often you play (online) games of chance? Are you telling me about it or are you hiding it with jealousy? This often says a lot about how you deal with it. If you have something to hide, it’s usually not a good sign. Then you probably know deep down that your gambling behavior is not okay. Our advice: stop damaging trust and be honest. Prevent financial problems from getting worse.

Loss of sense of self and time

Can you stop in time while playing? Or have you already experienced several times that you lost track of time and perhaps even missed an appointment? Or do you always play at fixed times and perhaps well into the night? Your behavior can then be controlled by your gambling urge and this has major consequences for your health and the environment. This is also one of the signs of gambling addiction.

Chronic fatigue can develop and your friends and family start ignoring you because you don’t show up anyway. This is a symptom of latent gambling addiction. Our advice: make agreements with your environment, write them down and keep to these agreements. Try to regain control of your behavior.

You always keep playing, whether you lose or win

Did you start playing multiple times to recover your losses? Have you set a playing limit and are you sticking to it whether you win or lose? Do you notice that there is no longer any brake on your playing behavior?

Play casino games daily

How often and how long do you play? Do you spend a maximum of 5 hours a week on online gambling or does this happen much more often? For example several times a week or every day (2 hours or more per day)? Playing every day probably means you are becoming dependent on gambling.

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