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Predictions and trends for the future

by Ana Lopez
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Zaheer Dodhia, CEO of Logo designis an entrepreneur who has launched multiple startups including ZillionDesigns, PCStore, CashforUsedLaptop

It’s hard to believe we’re already more than halfway through 2023. While trying to remember that fact, it’s important not to forget to look to the future. Specifically, the future of logo design.

Historically, since the first recorded use of a logo (by Stella Artois in 1366!), these little pieces of graphic design have been heavy hitters in the service of their brands. They are the most easily identifiable branded content associated with their parent companies. But logo design trends come and go, and even the definition of what makes a logo is changing.

Here are seven predictions for popular logo trends in 2023 and beyond.

Trend one: vibrant colors

When Pantone chose Viva magenta as the Pantone Color of the Year 2023, they described it as full of “vim and power” and “expression of a new signal of strength.” That’s exactly the vibe so many of us were hoping for to enter the new year.

While Viva Magenta itself may not show up in every new logo designed this year, I believe the trend of vibrant, vibrant colors that comes from the same drive for optimism and strength will undoubtedly be seen in design.

Trend two: abstract plants

Abstracts have had their day for a while now. But after several years of a more traditional abstract style—think the 90s-style revival of squiggles and triangles, for example—we’re due for a softer, less in-your-face twist on the theme. Botanicals and flowers in general are a hot trend almost every year and we look forward to seeing how the combination of abstract and floral-inspired design translates into lush, unique logos.

Trend three: dynamic design

Dynamic design is about logos that are not static, but can change depending on the circumstances and according to preset parameters. It’s 2023 and we all need to prioritize customization, even in logo design. Google’s main search page is a classic example of the utility and adaptability of dynamic design, keeping designers engaged and viewers intrigued to see what iteration comes next.

Trend Four: Animated Logos

We live in a world where we are used to video content, and we are also used to being distracted by something new every few seconds. Animated logos can be ideally placed to cater to this mindset. Whether the animation is the entire logo or just a single part—think of the pulsating, speaker-like movement of the Shazam logo, for example—animated logos can work to grab everyone’s attention in the year ahead.

Trend Five: Minimalism

Has there ever been a year where minimalism has not been included in graphic design trends? Even when maximalism enjoys a moment, as it did a few years ago, minimalism isn’t far behind.

There’s a reason for that: simplicity is often cited as one of the most important features of good logo design. After all, too many elements can distract from the message and memorability of the logo, completely undermining the purpose of this little piece of branding.

We live in an increasingly complex world. A simple, effective logo design trend like minimalism can be a nice reprieve.

Trend Six: Hyper-Font

A font is a logo made up of one letter, usually the name of the company. These are often stylized, for example, think of the A of Airbnb. Stylization is seeing a resurgence in design trends, and when combined with the minimalist approach, hyperfonts are a shoo-in for a new popular trend.

Hyperfonts are essentially fonts on steroids – super stylized, color saturated, often with overlapping elements, to the point where the original letter might not even be easy to read. These types of logos are unique and impressive and can put form over function.

Trend Seven: handmade logos

Ever since Etsy first hit it big by allowing handmade makers to sell their handicrafts – see what I did there? – is the ‘handmade’ trend on the horizon. Whether it’s a simple digitized sketch or a design that’s charmingly rough and eccentric, handcrafted-effect logos are great options for brands that promote themselves as unique, quirky, out-of-the-box thinkers.

Ironically, the “handmade” look is quite easy to replicate with logo design software. But that just means that this is a trend that is easy to follow without taking away the value of the trend itself.

Looking to the future in logo design

Design trends come and go, but logos are forever, at least until the next rebrand. While it’s certainly valuable to keep abreast of what’s trending in design these days – and quite fun to see what’s coming our way as graphic designers – it’s also important to remember that a good logo is not primarily place is trendy. , but how unique and un-message it is for the brand behind it.

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