Polygonum Hogwarts Legacy: Where can you easily find this plant for your potions?

In Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Legacy, many resources are scattered around the open world or for sale in the various shops. Combat plants and other ingredients are also part of that, and today we focus on the Polygonum.

The usefulness of the Polygonum

If you want to complete Professor Sharp’s second assignment, you will need Polygonum. This ingredient is indeed needed to make the Invisibility Potion (and this is its only use).

  • Recipe : 1200 galleons at Potions Pippins
  • 1 Poisonous Jumping Mushroom Cap: Found all over the ground
  • 1 sprig of polygonum
  • 1 Troll booger: When fighting Trolls
  • Be able to : Makes you invisible for a few seconds
  • Preparation time : 1 minute

Don’t forget to buy the potions recipes from Pippin Potions in Hogsmeade. It is important to grow Polygonum in your Room of Requirement to unlock the trophy that requires you to grow all types of plants in the game.

How to get Polygonum?

Unlike other plants such as Hedgehog, Dictamus and even the poisonous Tentacula, Polygonum cannot be obtained in the wild. For our part, at least we never found one while exploring dungeons, during side quests, or while exploring the Highlands.

So the only real way to get it is to buy it directly from the store. The magic turnip at Hogsmeade. You can buy ready-made Polygonum or seeds:

  • polygon : stock is limited to 2 per day
  • Polygonum seeds : 350 galleons

As a reminder, you only need to buy the seed pack once to plant Polygonum infinitely in your Room of Requirement.

To grow the Polygonum you need:

  • Requirements : small pot pot (or any other)
  • Growing time : 10 minutes
  • Harvest : 5 strands of Polygonum

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