Entertainment Naked truth from 1 million subs ASMR YouTuber – Karuna Satori Ana LopezDecember 29, 20220204 views Table of Contents Who is Karuna Satori?Karuna Satori’s net worthEarly life and careerThe beginning of ASMRStill in its infancySatori controversiesDrug problemsPrivate life Who is Karuna Satori? Born on June 25, 1991 in the United States of America, Sarah Toth is a YouTube personality, best known for her channel Karuna Satori that focuses on Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) content. As one of the first channels to focus on the genre, she has become one of the more popular ASMR channels on the site. Just a simple reminder that the article was only created and owned by marrieddebiography.org. Article cannot be republished on other pages or documents. Copyright is protected by DMCA. All specimens found are reported.Original source: http://businessroundups.org/naked-truth-of-1m-subs-asmr-youtuber-karuna-satori/ Karuna Satori’s net worth At the beginning of 2020, Karuna Satori’s net worth is estimated to be over $500,000 earned through a successful career on YouTube. Although she earns considerably from advertising revenue provided by the site, she keeps proclaiming that she has insufficient income in her life. Many of her critics blame her for bad financial habits rather than a lack of revenue from YouTube. Early life and career Karuna started her YouTube channel in 2015 and before it was founded very little was known about her life. She created ASMR channels around the same time the topic was getting a lot of attention online. She produced videos with brushing, tapping, hand movements, whispers and later experimented with role play. Over the years, her channel grew and gained a significant number of subscribers thanks to her constant work. ASMR videos in general often encouraged creativity because there were so many triggers that could produce the effect. Some of her most popular videos include role-playing to clean ears, role-playing as an ice cream parlor, and role-playing as a sleep clinic worker. Many people subscribed and enjoyed her videos because it would help them sleep, or give them that euphoric sensation often identified with ASMR. She has also uploaded videos that are considered not safe for work (NSFW), due to the sexual implications the video may have. The beginning of ASMR ASMR was a subject of taboo or an unusual sensation in the beginning that not many people experienced. As many who have experienced it would describe, ASMR is a very mild feeling of euphoria, often a tingling sensation that can be felt from the back of the head to the neck, shoulders and arms. People who had experienced the sensation didn’t understand it at first and searched online for other individuals who had similar experiences. They were often rejected and criticized for the idea, as the best word to describe it was brain orgasm. Eventually ASMR pioneers came up with a name for it, leading to the creation of ASMR. Starting out as a small group of people from different parts of the world, ASMR found an unusual home on the website YouTube. Today, ASMR is one of the most popular YouTube genres, often consisting of channels run by women reenacting various events, using numerous stimuli to trigger the effect. One of the reasons it has become popular for YouTubers is because of the creativity it requires, as no two people have the same set of triggers. Still in its infancy People who have experienced ASMR often describe their triggers differently – others feel it through whispering or using certain sounds. Triggers have also been reported through visual sensations, smells, touch, and through the use of other senses. The science about it isn’t very solid yet because of the lack of extensive research done on the subject, which is still in its early stages. Karuna Satori Critics have also treated YouTube ASMR channels with skepticism, as many of them were created to try and lure a male audience through their appearance. They have also been criticized for taking advantage of people suffering from sleep disorders or panic attacks. Nevertheless, many viewers have also experienced positive effects from ASMR videos, and thousands of channels exist today to cater to the growing interest in the topic. Satori controversies Also referred to as an ASMRtist, Satori is one of the few who has gained about a million subscribers with a sole dedication to the craft. The countless videos, interactions and views she has can add up to tens of thousands of dollars in monthly earnings. Still, she proclaims that she has very little money and that YouTube is not enough to supplement her lifestyle. This has led to many of her viewers criticize her for bad spending habits, while showing off her expensive makeup, clothes and jewelry in videos. Her social media accounts even boasted that she had a new house she bought a few years ago. The problem was compounded when she began posting a wish list of gifts to give to her children, urging subscribers to buy them gifts. This was even though she posted video blog content on another channel, showing a luxurious lifestyle. Drug problems One of the biggest factors that could have caused all of these money problems is drugs. https://t.co/rVsv1g8mLw I’ll be gone for a week the day after tomorrow, an ASMR video coming out in about an hour! Until then – pic.twitter.com/CZoGyNM87j — Karuna Satori ASMR (@KSASMROFFICIAL) March 10, 2020 At one point, she asked her subscribers for money so she could go to the dentist, but ended up having modifications made to her body, with some observant viewers noticing that she got a boob job after getting donations. Other subscribers got custom ASMR videos in exchange for money, but never got what was promised. Websites began reporting that Karuna was addicted to drugs and has been to treatment programs several times to try to solve the problem. At one point, her addiction became so intense that her children had to be taken to Pennsylvania Child Protective Services for their safety. She reportedly beat her husband in front of her children and then threatened her family with a gun. The family reconciled after she was treated, and she has been to clean for a few years now. Private life Karuna is known to be married to Victor, who also runs an ASMR channel called Essence of ASMR – the two have collaborated on videos numerous times during their respective careers. She does a lot of promotion for her husband as he doesn’t have a strong social media presence and encourages her viewers who are looking for more masculine content to head over to his channel. The couple have two children together, although they rarely talk about anything outside of work.