Mega-Lockpin Pokémon GO: The best counters to beat it in Mega Raids

Pokémon of quite peaceful nature, Locking pin still remains a devastating opponent, and all the more so in its form Mega Lock Pin. Available in Mega Raid in Pokémon GOhere’s a guide to help you beat him quickly and easily.

How to beat Mega-Lockpin?

Mega Lockpin is a type of Pokémon Normal And fightwhich means it is particularly weak against type attacks psych, Theft, fight And Fairy.

  • Capture PC : between 1112 and 1177
  • Boosted Capture PC: between 1391 and 1471 (stimulated by cloudy or partly cloudy weather)
  • Number of recommended players : between 3 and 5 players

Here are the best Pokemon to use to beat it more easily:

Mega Latios

With Psykoud’Boul and Psyko

Mega Alakazam

With mental shock and Psyko

Mega Latias

With Psykoud’Boul and Psyko


With Mental Shock and Psy Strike


With double foot and sacred blade


With mental shock and Psyko

Mega-Lockpin: Is it available in glossy?

Mega-Lockpin is available in a chromatic version, this is what the two versions of Mega-Lockpin look like:

Normal Mega Lockpin
Shiny Mega Lockpin

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