Generation Z habits are disrupting the travel industry

Gen Z has a unique perspective on travel due to the massive increase in globalization that has taken place in their lifetime. Their perspective will undoubtedly change the travel industry, especially as this young generation grows older, more autonomous and more economically independent.

But what exactly will those changes look like? And how will it change everything else? It’s hard to say with any certainty, but there are some notable trends that are already catching on. Considering these three Gen Z habits can give you a sense of how travel is changing and what that means for you.

1. They prefer unfamiliar territory

Accommodations are a critical aspect of a great vacation, and for years options were limited to hotels and motels, both of which were mainly located in areas with a notable tourist industry. While there are off-the-beaten-path hotels, they don’t have nearly as wide a reach as Airbnb’s now.

Gen Z adults are starting to favor Airbnbs much more than hotel chains, meaning travel destinations will no longer be as limited to major tourism hubs as they used to be. This could also mean that brand new tourism hubs could emerge.

For businesses, new tourism hubs mean new opportunities. Tourism has a positive impact on the economy as it leads to better tax revenues and personal income. As new areas are explored, the standard of living increases and these destinations offer more employment opportunities. It’s worth noting where Gen Z adventurers travel, as they might find the next place to expand their business.

2. They want a unique and elevated experience

Thanks to the internet, Gen Z can now do a little virtual travel whenever they want. If they are interested in a particular destination, they can see countless photos and videos from people who have already been there. Because of this, there is a growing desire from Gen Z to explore the undiscovered. They want to know where to go that hasn’t already been discussed by an influencer.

Similarly, Gen Z focuses more on the quality of travel than previous generations. On this growing trend Set jet CEO Tom Smith says, “For Gen Z, the journey is just as important as the destination. They value a high-quality travel experience with all their needs met on a flexible timeline. They want to start their holiday as soon as they leave for the airport and avoid the hassle of commercial travel.”

To meet those needs, Generation Zs are looking for discounted private jet travel through membership apps, which give them an affordable option to go on vacation right away without time-consuming and inconvenient commercial flights.

This behavior refers to what Gen Z considers most important: experience. If companies want to grab Gen Z’s attention, they need to work on improving and making their user experience special. Offer simplified processes to get these individuals as customers. Remember them across devices and platforms and prioritize treating them as individuals.

3. They take advantage of technology

Like most other industries, the travel industry has seen some incredibly nifty technology-based innovations in recent years. If there’s an app that makes traveling easier, chances are Gen Z is a big part of that app’s most frequent users. They book their accommodations, check flights and find great deals on travel using technology.

This technology prioritization should be a hint for other industries to get involved. If your business is still missing an app or has an untrustworthy website, you’re losing your Gen Z audience. They are always using their devices, which means you have to meet them where they are. You would need to build your social media presence and create profiles on different platforms. It’s also important to optimize everything for mobile.

With each generation, travel is shaped in a new way. As Gen Z’s habits and preferences become more prevalent, so does their impact on travel, and that impact is likely to change business for years to come. Now, if you pay close attention, you might be ahead of the curve.

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