Dragonglyph WoW 10.0.7: Where to find the Forbidden Reaches buff runes?

World of Warcraft: Dragon Flight

Dragonglyph WoW 10.0.7: Where to find the Forbidden Reaches buff runes?

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With the arrival of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.0.7, players once again have the option to obtain Dracoglyphs to gain new abilities for dragons practicing Dragonflight. Everything happens in the Forbidden Frontiers, and we guide you!

Similar to what was done for the first zones of World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight expansion, since Patch 10.0.7 players have the option to acquire a total of 8 new Dracoglyphs to enhance the abilities of their mounts practicing Dragonflight on the Dragon Islands. improve. In this guide, we describe how to get them all as soon as possible.

  • Important : You can click on the images in the table after the article for a detailed overview of the location of each glyph!

Dragon glyphs: new in patch 10.0.7

A total of 8 new Dracoglyphs are available in Forbidden Reaches, the “new” area introduced in Patch 10.0.7. These work exactly the same as the ones obtained earlier. As a reminder, a Dracoglyph is a kind of large yellowish piece that is generally present in a rather unlikely place. If you find it and run through it with your drake, you automatically gain 1 skill point for the Dragonflight talent tree.

In addition to these new talent points for your drakes, two new talents will also appear in the tree dedicated to them. it’s about the Stopover in the air and a little Airborne recovery which allows you to drastically reduce your speed in flight and increase your Stamina regeneration rate afterwards.

Forbidden Range Dragon Glyphs

Bass from

the winged highness

In the broken dome

of the tower

/way 18.34, 13.12

Look at claws

On the ground floor

of the tower

/way 20.55, 91.81

Caldera from


In the broken dome

of the tower

/way 37.70, 30.69

Needle jelly

On the board with

mountain top

/way 48.51, 69.00

Bass from


At the top of the tower

/road 59.06, 65.09

Put away Blizzard

On a small scale

on top of the mountain

/road 77.32, 55.02

Island of

dragon skull

Hidden under the trees

on top of the mountain

/road 79.52, 32.73

Froststone peak

At the top of the tower,

hidden under the dome

/way 62.60, 32.19

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