Home Entertainment Is the story in The Pale Blue Eye based on a real story?

Is the story in The Pale Blue Eye based on a real story?

by Ana Lopez
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The Pale Blue Eye is Netflix’s first major movie of 2023. Christian Bale plays Detective Augustus “Gus” Landor, who is sent to West Point to investigate a series of murders. Landor teams up with Edgar Allen Poe, a young cadet at the institution who is played by Harry Melling.

Did it really take place? Was Edgar Allen Poe an amateur detective? Poe didn’t go to West Point, but some people say he invented the detective story. Here’s what’s real in The Pale Blue Eye and what’s not. The film is based on a bestseller of the same name by Louis Bayard.

Bayard writes in an afterword, “There have been quite a few books with Poe as a character. I chose to capture him early in his development – when he is a cadet at West Point. He’s only twenty. He has published a few books of poetry, but he is largely unknown to the readership, still struggling to find his voice and still trying to consolidate this very difficult relationship with his foster father, John Allan.

As the New York Times Book Review wrote at the time of publication, “The regulated, bleak world of West Point, with all its staring eyes and missing hearts, makes a perfectly plausible backstory for the real Poe’s penchant for hue innabulation, morbidity, and pale young women, first letter L.”

Edgar Allen Poe did attend West Point, which is part of the United States Military Academy. In 1827, Poe joined the United States Army. He said he was 22 years old, but he was only 18.

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In March 1830 he started at West Point, but he left in January 1831. In March 1831, Poe was officially discharged. Although Poe went to West Point, this is clearly fiction, writer and director Scott Cooper said tudum.

“What I am saying is that it is these events that appear in our film that shaped his worldview and helped him become the writer he became – with the recurring themes of death and the effects of decomposition and reanimation of death. and mourning; all of those things are considered part of his dark romance.

The Pale Blue Eye is Poe’s tribute. Poe’s character C. Auguste Dupin in “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” is considered the first fictional detective. So the fictional Detective Landor is in the same kind of story that made Poe famous.

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