Home Business 3 ways to create a hybrid work environment that works for all generations

3 ways to create a hybrid work environment that works for all generations

by Ana Lopez
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The hybrid work model has revolutionized the way we view our work environment. Research results show that 64% of workers across all generations would consider quitting their jobs if forced to return to the office full-time. They now expect a hybrid remote office in the future.

As of 2023, the current workforce will comprise four generations: baby boomers, generation X, generation Y (millennials) and generation Z. Each in different phases of their personal and professional lives, with different ambitions and visions.

Different communication styles and values ​​can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts in the workplace. Hybrid work environments have the potential to add a layer of friction for business leaders overseeing such a diverse workforce.

For companies that have not yet established a long-term post-pandemic plan, now is a good time to do so. Implementing engagement strategies can help create a healthy hybrid work environment for all generations, bring employees together and improve collaboration and innovation.

Related: 6 Ways Multi-Generation Workers Drive Business Growth

Here are three actions leaders can implement to create a thriving multi-generational workforce in a hybrid work environment.

1. Invest in collaborative technologies

Tools for communication and collaboration in the workplace have evolved in recent years, accelerated by the emergence of remote work environments during the pandemic. Entire companies are connected within a virtual space to host team meetings, lunch and learning opportunities, and virtual happy hours.

Communication tools can help teams collaborate seamlessly across hybrid work environments. Consider your communication preferences when evaluating the best technologies for your team.

Statistics show that baby boomers prefer to be reached by phone or face-to-face 55-65% of millennials and Gen Z prefer online messaging. At the same time, Generation X bridges the gap between these two generations through balanced flexibility.

Also, don’t forget about the needs of each generation. For example, collaboration tools can help advance the career development of Gen Z staff by helping them build stronger bonds with older workers. This can be achieved by encouraging group chats and pairings different generations on new projects.

Related: How to improve communication between generations in the workplace

Set limits on the use of collaborative technologies. While generational preferences should be incorporated into your chosen tools, some forms of communication lend themselves to specific channels. For example, use personal conversations for detailed explanations and chat and e-mail tools for quick questions or announcements.

2. Encourage flexibility for a healthy work-life balance

The traditional working model has evolved, making the hybrid system commonplace in companies of all sizes. Flexibility allows employees to achieve a work-life balance that suits their lifestyle choices, which are heavily influenced by age demographic. Employees may need a flexible schedule for a variety of reasons, including childcare logistics, caring for elderly parents, or personal health concerns.

While a certain amount of presence in the office is appreciated by all generations, flexibility is no longer seen as a perk, but as an expectation. 87% of all employees who prefer a flexible work schedule.

Leading by example is one way management can help promote an organization’s values ​​around flexibility and hybrid work. Companies can increase employee morale, enthusiasm and acceptance by communicating that flexibility is important.

Companies should avoid getting into the proximity bias model to avoid division and disconnection between remote, hybrid and on-site employees. Many baby boomers are approaching retirement and are focusing on job security over promotion. However, the younger generations are still striving for growth opportunities and building their careers 21% raise concerns about missing out on career advancement in a hybrid work environment.

Related: 3 ways leaders can drive retention through a positive employee and candidate experience

3. Set expectations and define and communicate what hybrid means

The definition of a hybrid environment is unique to each organization. While some companies require employees to be in the office twice a week, others emphasize remote working with the scheduled face-to-face meetings saved for clients or team activities.

Establishing clear guidelines and parameters can help set expectations and address any questions or concerns. Equally important is maintaining internal dialogue and open communication about employee needs.

This plays a role in considering how hybrid models affect employee performance and well-being. Millennials and Generation Z report burnout due to the lack of social contact when working remotely.

Of more than half of Millennials and Gen Zs who prefer a hybrid model of three days at home, two days in person, organizations need to establish clear guidelines and parameters to capture employee expectations and address any questions or concerns.

When setting parameters, specify where and when employees will work, what is expected of them, and how their performance will be measured. This will go a long way in reassuring all members that they are being treated fairly and that their contribution is valued.

Related: Understanding Entrepreneurial Burnout (and How to Cope With It)

Key learning points

A multi-generational workforce is rich in diversity, and it can be exciting to learn how to navigate this at a time when companies are redefining themselves. By executing well-thought-out hybrid work environment strategies and carefully considering each generation’s preferences, business leaders can bolster their retention rates by creating a positive work environment and a sense of camaraderie within their teams.

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