Home Business 20 wise insights on gratitude to generate a positive mindset

20 wise insights on gratitude to generate a positive mindset

by Ana Lopez
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This article was originally published on November 23, 2017.


No doubt this has been a year of much hardship, change and violence. It seems that every time we turn on the news, there is another tragic mass shooting or act of terrorism for us to witness and mourn. We must be the change we are looking for. As entrepreneurs, leaders and influencers, we must recognize the seriousness of our attitude. Emotions are contagious. Violence creates more violence, while gratitude creates more success, happiness, and peace. This Thanksgiving Holiday weekend, let’s start a new movement of trading weapons for gratitude. We collectively need to start thinking differently about how to solve our problems. Let’s recommit to raising our children in a world where they are not afraid of violence, death and dying. Let’s wake them up to love, kindness and success. To follow twenty famous quotes about gratitude to jump-start our mindset.

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